PromethION Flow Cell Packs (RNA) FLO-PRO004RA
The RNA flow cell is designed to sequence RNA with improved consensus accuracy and output. Paired with our new Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (SQK-RNA004), RNA is prepared and the native RNA is sequenced through the nanopores.
This is an Early Access product
Note: This flow cell requires the Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (SQK-RNA004)
Product lead time: 1 week
- Access the latest products from Oxford Nanopore Technologies
- Provide feedback into the innovation team as the product develops
- Product Warranty may initially be limited to 1 month as it is so new
- Product routinely iterates as new features and capabilities are added
- Estimated lead time in store
- Product subject to availability
PromethION Flow Cell Packs (R10.4.1) FLO-PRO114M
R10 is our nanopore chemistry designed to deliver highest consensus accuracy. Paired with the Kit 14 chemistry, R10.4.1 generates data at a modal accuracy above 99%.
Note: R10.4.1 flow cells currently require Kit 14 chemistry.
A pack contains 4 PromethION flow cells
Product lead time: 1 week
- Products from Oxford Nanopore Technologies that have completed their Early Access
- Users can continue to provide feedback through feature request pinboard
- Warranty periods extended to 1 – 3 months
- Product continues to iterate with upgrade notifications of up to 3 months
- Lead time visible in store
- Product subject to availability
Flow Cell (RNA) FLO-MIN004RA
The RNA flow cell is designed to sequence RNA with improved consensus accuracy and output. Paired with our new Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (SQK-RNA004), RNA is prepared and the native RNA is sequenced through the nanopores.
This is an Early Access product
Note: This flow cell requires the Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (SQK-RNA004)
Product lead time: 1 week
- Access the latest products from Oxford Nanopore Technologies
- Provide feedback into the innovation team as the product develops
- Product Warranty may initially be limited to 1 month as it is so new
- Product routinely iterates as new features and capabilities are added
- Estimated lead time in store
- Product subject to availability
Flow Cell (R10.4.1) FLO-MIN114
R10 is our nanopore chemistry designed to deliver highest consensus accuracy. Paired with the Kit 14 chemistry, R10.4.1 generates data at a modal accuracy above 99%.
Note: R10.4.1 flow cells currently require Kit 14 chemistry.
Product lead time: 1 week
- Products from Oxford Nanopore Technologies that have completed their Early Access
- Users can continue to provide feedback through feature request pinboard
- Warranty periods extended to 1 – 3 months
- Product continues to iterate with upgrade notifications of up to 3 months
- Lead time visible in store
- Product subject to availability
Flongle Flow Cell (R10.4.1) FLO-FLG114
You will require a flongle adapter to utilise this product. Please ensure you have a flongle adapter before purchasing the flongle flow cells.
The Flongle Flow Cell contains the proprietary sensory array and R10.4.1 nanopores required for all V14 kits using our Kit 14 chemistry.
This is an Early Access product
Note: R10.4.1 flow cells are only compatible with Kit 14 chemistry
Product lead time: 2 weeks
- Access the latest products from Oxford Nanopore Technologies
- Provide feedback into the innovation team as the product develops
- Product Warranty may initially be limited to 1 month as it is so new
- Product routinely iterates as new features and capabilities are added
- Estimated lead time in store
- Product subject to availability